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Chemo Round 5

It took some effort to get my head in the zone for this round of chemo. After all, I've spent the last several days partying it up with my friends and family, receiving loads of love and presents, and indulging in red velvet birthday cake. It's like telling a kid to go back to school after the best, most exciting summer vacation ever.

But I went back to school today and rocked it.

Got up, took a shower (I don't get another one until Wednesday because of my trusty bag o'), and started focusing on the task at hand like an athlete preparing for a game. I wolfed down a healthy breakfast, listened to "All the Above" on the way to USC Norris, and, by the time I got my blood drawn, I was ready to go. 

I had a couple of guests for this round of chemo -- my out-of-town buddies, Junior and Rhett. It's always fun to have an entourage, and I've had a pretty consistent one since my time at Good Samaritan. That's probably an understatement as far as the hospital is concerned -- Good Samaritan was like a club during those two weeks I was in the hospital, with a line of awesome folks to see me and the notion of "visiting hours" completely ignored. Ahh, memories.

I got the best nurse today (the same one from my last round), who deftly accessed my port and sweetly called me young and beautiful while I guzzled up my chemo drugs. I'm pretty sure I've had the kindest, most wonderful people in the world as my caretakers during this whole cancer-killing extravaganza. Another lucky break for WunderGlo. 

Feeling incredible -- totally energized after my Benadryl-induced nap and a delightful burrito delivered to me by the hubby. Today marked my last round of Avastin, one of my chemo drugs, until after my surgery. I've had a blast with it, and I look forward to having it back in the ol' bloodstream post-surgery. Can't believe I've already finished 5 rounds of chemo -- time flies when you're having fun, right? I know it's hard to believe, but it really has been fun. Dr. Lenz is hilarious, chemo is pretty easy, and beating cancer makes me smile.

Well, my dear readers, I'm off to the gym. Time to teach this cancer who's boss (as if it didn't already know).

News about my New Year's Eve plans tomorrow. They are super-HDTV exciting, so stay tuned! 

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