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My Reiki Experience

I've recently started to do reiki therapy sessions with my friend Aymee's mom, Aymee, who is a Reiki Master (which means she's done extensive training in reiki therapy and knows her stuff). Reiki focuses on the ancient technique of energy healing, and my sessions have been great so far -- by the time my hour is up, I feel energized but peaceful, filled with vitality but centered and calm. It's a pretty interesting feeling, feeling very energized without feeling jittery. Reiki is much better than caffeine, I'll tell you that.


Today I had a particularly intense session. Almost immediately, I felt deeply peaceful and relaxed. Then, I thought about my friends and family, and started to feel everyone's love and support. I thought of my healthy and strong body, and marveled about how well I had done so far, with one surgery and seven rounds of chemo under my belt. I started to taste the joy of knowing that, soon enough, I'll know that I've completely beaten this disease. I felt my eyes starting to well up with tears even though my eyes were shut.


As I took some more deep breaths and started to calm down a bit, my mind just kept on running. I "saw" (if you will) my surgery, my exposed insides, and the pink and healthy look of my organs. I heard Dr. Sugarbaker reporting to my parents and Will that most of the cancer in my peritoneum had been killed by the chemo, so there was really very little he had to remove. I saw myself coming into consciousness in the ICU, with my mom holding my hand, telling me that Dr. Sugarbaker had gotten all the cancer out. I saw myself happily receiving this news, with tears streaming down my smiling face.


Powerful experience, right? It really was something.


So much of this journey has been about my emotional and mental state -- my attitude as I fight this idiotic cancer. Today's reiki session supercharged my spirit and my attitude, and I truly believe, now more than ever, that I will thoroughly whoop cancer's ass. And once I do, we're going to celebrate like crazy.

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