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Merry Christmas!!

Every morning, it's the same routine. I wake up -- usually before my alarm goes off -- and smile, thinking about all the things I plan to do and excited to get going. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I can't wait to get up and see what the day has in store for me. I can't wait to see and talk to my loved ones. I can't wait to sing in the shower and in the car. I can't wait to shoot hoops and slurp minestrone soup and dance around to hip hop music (either actually playing or in my head) and laugh my butt off. I can't wait to live life.

Christmas morning is even more special. It's like I can feel the love and happiness emanating from the hearts of my family and friends, and it fills my own heart with pure joy. It's special and unique. It's Christmas.

On this Christmas Day, I'd be remiss if I didn't take a moment to reflect on the many blessings in my life. My health: this crazy body of mine that has endured so much yet simply gets stronger with each chemo treatment. My home: my first house, a beauty in the Hollywood Hills made more beautiful by all of the memories (including huge parties) we've made in it. My post-Christmas trip to England and Ireland: another adventure with my "three nurses" that is bound to create fun and wonderful memories (how could New Year's Eve in London not be amazing?!). My family and friends: the people who make up the bedrock and the foundation of who I am, the beautiful souls who enrich every moment of every one of my days, the crew that has my back through thick and thin. My fellow cancer warriors: the people with whom I have an unbreakable bond and individuals who inspire me to fight cancer on every front. My doctors: the brilliant and compassionate men who have cared for me and collaborated with me in our shared goal of keeping me alive and well. My huge, huge plans for 2013: the project that will be my great contribution to the world and an incredible partnership with my greatest collaborator, Dr. Lenz.

This Christmas, it is overwhelmingly clear to me how blessed I am. It's crazy how blessed I am. And I am truly grateful. 

My Christmas wish for all of you is to recognize the blessings in your life and to be grateful for them. Life is not easy and simple for any of us -- hey, some of us even have cancer -- but we are all blessed. Find the joy in your life and guzzle it down like some (vegan) egg nog. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Laugh, love, and live. And enjoy this wonderful day.

I love you all. Merry Christmas!!



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